Your life takes place in this very moment

But honestly, where are you really right now? What are your thoughts focused on? How about experiencing every second consciously, without the shadow of the past and the worries about the future? By living in the here and now, you create the best conditions for what may come next. This…

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The freedom of letting go

Imagine you could simply lay down all the burdens that hold you back. Cool, right? And also possible!To evolve and make space for new things, it’s important to let go regularly. This is an ongoing process and doesn’t only apply to material things. You might cling to the desire for…

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No Resolutions, Just Presence

A Radical Approach to the New Year It’s January. The holidays are over, the decorations are packed away, and the year ahead feels like a blank slate. For many of us, this is the time to craft lists of resolutions: exercise more, eat better, save money, be more productive. The…

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Discover the Power of the Chakras

The Influence of the Chakras These 7 energy centers in our bodies have a significant impact on our physical health as well as our emotional and spiritual well-being. The chakras run along the spine and they play a central role in the distribution of life energy, also known as Prana,…

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What does Sisterhood mean?

Rising Together – On and Off the Mat In today’s world, where women often feel pressured to compete instead of connect, the idea of sisterhood is more powerful than ever. It’s about lifting each other up, celebrating successes, and creating spaces where every woman feels seen, supported, and empowered. Just…

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The magic of October

Wie du dich vom Herbst verzaubern lassen kannst Der Oktober hat uns kühleres Wetter und eine farbenprächtige Natur gebracht und damit die Gelegenheit, unsere Gewohnheiten anzupassen, um gesund und ausgeglichen zu bleiben. Hier sind einige Tipps und Inspirationen, wie du deine Yoga-Praxis und Ernährung optimal auf diese wunderbare Jahreszeit abstimmen kannst. Mit den kürzer werdenden…

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Ready for fall: start the new season with yoga

Herzlich willkommen in der Jahreszeit der Veränderung und Erneuerung! Der Herbst steht vor der Tür und lädt uns ein, uns auf die kommenden Veränderungen vorzubereiten. Die Tage werden kürzer, die Luft wird kühler – eine perfekte Zeit, um unsere Yoga-Praxis anzupassen und neue Energie zu schöpfen. In dieser Saison verändert…

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Awakening Through Yoga

It is intriguing to observe how we navigate through our lives, relationships, and daily routines in today’s fast-paced world. Often, we find ourselves constantly rushing from one moment to the next, unable to fully immerse ourselves in what is actually there. Our minds are preoccupied with stories and interpretations, preventing…

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