We inspire you to transform your live through the practices of Yoga

Yoga is for everyone, regardless of age and body type.

“If you can breathe you can practice Yoga” – Tirumalai Krishnamacharya

Our Yoga Practice

Asanas (poses) bring you out of your head and into your body, challenge and promote your physical and mental strength and bring you into balance to ensure lasting equanimity and Life-Force.

Meditation helps you get to know yourself and promote your awareness. It brings you into your inner center. You become a witness to your thoughts, you realize that you are not your thoughts. An inner order arises that anchors lasting bliss and happiness in you.

Self-Inquiry enables you to recognize and resolve obstructive behavior patterns. It brings about clarity and determination, detached from internal and external constraints.


Karin & Yoga

To touch people emotionally and to inspire them for a good cause, that is Karin’s gift. She founded Power Yoga Austria to get you excited about yoga and to assist you in reaching your highest potential.

We practice Baptiste Power Vinyasa Yoga – a strong, holistic yoga practice that demands everything from you and relaxes you at the same time, as well as Therapeutic Yoga – a practice that will enhance your stability and flexibility.

More about Karin


Your life takes place in this very moment

But honestly, where are you really right now? What are your thoughts focused on? How about experiencing every second consciously, without the shadow of the past and the worries about the future? By living in the here and now, you create the best conditions for what may come next. This…

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The freedom of letting go

Imagine you could simply lay down all the burdens that hold you back. Cool, right? And also possible!To evolve and make space for new things, it’s important to let go regularly. This is an ongoing process and doesn’t only apply to material things. You might cling to the desire for…

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